IRNSS is a suite of seven satellites in space. These seven satellites are
- IRNSS-1A, Launched on 1st July,2013
- IRNSS-1B, Launched on 4th April,2014
- IRNSS-1C, Launched on 16th October,2014
- IRNSS-1D, Launched on 28th March,2015
- IRNSS-1E, Launched on 20th January,2016
- IRNSS-1F, Launched on 10th March,2016
- IRNSS-1G, Launched on 28th April, 2016
Architecture of IRNSS
The IRNSS satellites have been designed and developed by the Indian Space Organization. It is based on the 1-1K satellite bus. The size of the spacecraft is 1.58 by 1.5 by 1.5 meters. It holds a dry mass of 598 to 614 Kilograms. After being fully fueled, each spacecraft weighs about 1,425 Kilograms.
It features two deployable solar panels that are equipped with Ultra Triple Junction Solar cells that generate a total power of 1,660 Watts. The power storage is accomplished with a single 90 Amp-hour battery, and an avionics system controls power distribution and battery charging. The platform for the satellite is three axes stabilized using a zero momentum system consisting of reaction wheels, magnetic torques as well as attitude control thrusters. A total of twelve thrusters are mounted on the vehicle. Navigation data is obtained from the Sun and Star Trackers as well as an Inertial measurement. So, The Satellite provides the precise pointing capability.
The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) is an autonomous regional satellite navigation system designed to provide geospatial positioning information within the Indian sub-continent. It was developed by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization). This project was approved by the Government of India in 2006. It was intended to complete and implement its functions within 2016.
It provides accurate positioning information to users in India and to regions extending up to 1500 Kilometers from the Indian boundary. It is the primary service area. It also provides service to extended area which lies between the primary service area and the area enclosed by the rectangle from Latitude 30 degrees South to 50 degrees North, and Longitude 30 degrees East to 130 degrees East.
The main objective of developing The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System was to curtail the dependency on foreign navigation satellite system and giving India independent access to accurate navigation and timing data on a 24×7 basis.
IRNSS is almost similar to the American GPS system, with only one difference. The American GPS system is a Global Satellite Navigation whereas IRNSS is a regional satellite navigation system.